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BlueTangsRock's picture

So today I just finished my first ever server! It's name is Worldcraftlimits,and it's a read-only server! Also it's recommended to use the classic texture pack,because I went a bit creative with different blocks for example,soul sand for the wood for the spruce trees so they can have darker wood,because soul sand is just a dark brown block in classic texture pack. I also built the animal,and monster mobs on there to so it could look a bit more like the survival mode game,And along with the game's blue and green zombies,there are also female variants in the server to,there are even a few mobs I built that aren't even in WoC yet,such as fish,mooshrooms,bats,rabbits,ocelots,squirrels,and birds! I also built biomes in the world to like Savannah biomes,jungle biomes,tiaga(snow) biomes,roofed forest,mountain(a very small one),desserts,and a few more biomes!I also managed to build all 6 of Minecraft's tree types,but only 3 of them are made out of wooden blocks. There are also mushrooms in the world Which you will see very often,and there are 3 varieties,red,Brown,and white mushrooms,and there are 64 red,about 92 brown mushrooms,and 100 white mushrooms hidden in the world,there are also 2 huge mushrooms of each of the types in the roofed forest biome!there's also lapis,and redstone ore that can be discovered there to! There is also multiple structures in the server to,there is a dungeon hidden off near one of the edges of the world,multiple(tiny)Jungle temples that contain ore blocks in them,an abandoned mineshaft that leads to one edge of the world,and also leads to the cave where the dungeon's hidden at somewhere deep into it,and also the way to get there is by a house built underground and going into it's Mine,and going down a ladder which leads to the abandoned mineshaft!there's also an abandoned library some where in one of the 2 secret passage ways,there's also 3 houses,on in the tallest tree in the world,one just normally on the surface,but it has a Mine that leads down to a cave near a secret passage way,that can also be lead to by strange outcast blocks the start of in front of the house,and ends at a cliff,where you jump off a certain block block,and find the last block until you find an interesting place....,and another house(i've mentioned earlier)that's at a wall of a small caves near one of the edges of the world,and another structure deep underground,at one of the exact edges of the world,that tell you the outcast blocks to look for to find the secret passage way,starting from the block in front of the surface house,to the final block in front of a cave that leads somewhere....but it has a slightly confusing puzzle about which blocks it is in each of it's rooms.....,and almost every block in WoC is used in the server! The server's finally here! :D

Warrior27t's picture

Nice! Wanna come to my server so I can show you the surprise?


BlueTangsRock's picture

Ok! Then will you visit my server?

Warrior27t's picture

Yep! I'll meet you there!

BlueTangsRock's picture

I had alot of technical difficulties so I wasn't able to go on my server.

Warrior27t's picture

Same here! Wanna try again now?

Peace Gamer98
Peace Gamer98's picture

Can I come to your server to please

Warrior27t's picture

BTR, I'm sorry about earlier! My game was glitching like there was no tomorrow and I had to restart my device.

BlueTangsRock's picture

There's no password for the server,the server name is Worldcraftlimits! I'm about to try going back on the server,I wasn't able to earlier,because I had alot of technical difficulties so I wasn't able to go on my server. But the server's open to everyone,and there'll never be greifing on the server because it's read-only.

Warrior27t's picture

I think he/she meant my server, because they sent me a PM asking to go on my server.

BlueTangsRock's picture

Oh. In a few minutes do you want to meet up on my server again?I had alot of technical difficulties so I wasn't able to go on my server earlier.

Warrior27t's picture


BlueTangsRock's picture

So what did you think about my server? Have any questions?

Warrior27t's picture

Yes, but I'll tell you when we're there!

Warrior27t's picture

Let's go!

BlueTangsRock's picture

I can't get on yet....

Warrior27t's picture

Why not?

BlueTangsRock's picture

So I'm trying to load my server,but it won't ever let me! Why does my server not work for me?

Warrior27t's picture

What do you mean, "Won't let you"?

BlueTangsRock's picture

It either takes way to long to load,or doesn't but it finally worked now,and i'm waiting for you to go to my server!

Warrior27t's picture


BlueTangsRock's picture

My device's battery died.

Warrior27t's picture

Ok. When I last saw you, you were standing right in front of the door so when i opened it you were right there. I about crapped my pants!

BlueTangsRock's picture


BlueTangsRock's picture

I've built 2 more mobs,slimes,and living bombs(hopefully a WoC version of Minecraft creepers). And you can finally get in the tree house now(because for some reason visitors aren't able to open trapdoor,so Olga,please fix that bug),and that's about all the updates i've made to my server! :D

Warrior27t's picture


Warrior27t's picture

Wanna go to my server so we can customize your house?

BlueTangsRock's picture

The battery's still basically dead. The device I use to post things in the forum,and the one I use to play Worldcraft(WoC)is 2 different devices.

Warrior27t's picture

Oh,ok. Let me know when your battery is high enough!

Warrior27t's picture

Let's PM from now on, so we don't flood the forums witu conversations.

BlueTangsRock's picture

Or maybe we can make a post on general descussion that we can do conversations on there,so all unrelated comments on existing posts can all stay in one place!

Warrior27t's picture

No, it would be better to PM. that way, we wouldn't have to scroll through 1,000 comments, pages wouldn't take as long to load, and there wouldn't be page upon page of conversations on a simple announcement post.

BlueTangsRock's picture

What is PM?

Warrior27t's picture

Personal Message