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EskimoRave63's picture

Hey guys! So I just started my new project and with this one I am going to ask for a bit of help in regards to the terra-forming/landscaping. I have already got the world planned out and if you agree to help then I will send more details as well as a (badly) drawn plan of what I'm doing for this project. I plan to do the main building structures myself.

If you agree comment down below and I'll send you a PM with extra details and password. Thank you!

(Focus - city and castle, theme - steampunk)

Cute Boy
Cute Boy's picture

I would like to help

EskimoRave63's picture

Thank you CuteBoy, I have sent you a PM

Beastboy107's picture

I would like to help also im very good with using a steampunk theme just never thought of a use