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EskimoRave63's picture

Hello everybody! I would just like to say that I have finished my latest world and that it is up on Multi!! It goes under the name of UtopiaCity and is, in my opinion, my most specialized world yet! This world goes into extreme detail of every little thing so I sure hope you like it.

The world is split up into 4 districts; Comercial, Housing, Farming and Community, that surround the mightly Utopia tree in the center! Each district has it's own set of builds within.

The commercial district has: School, massive marketplace and a few housing.

The housing and farming districts are self explainitory.

And the community district includes: Church, Park and Library.

I really hope you like this world as much as I do because I loved building it. Plus if you go on this map, I advise you put your view on full because there's one other structure that is absolutely massive that I'll leave you to find for yourself! Wink (though it's really not hard to miss)

EskimoRave63's picture

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XtOlMixQwY here's the video I did for this map. Hope you enjoy!

EskimoRave63's picture

I had some problemswith the uploading of this world so it is now called CityofUtopia