Hi All,
Please use this thread to find new friends to build maps togather!
Try to write attractive Subject field, add description to your map and screenshots!
Good luck to find new friends- builders!
Best regards,
World of Cubes Team
Hi All,
Please use this thread to find new friends to build maps togather!
Try to write attractive Subject field, add description to your map and screenshots!
Good luck to find new friends- builders!
Best regards,
World of Cubes Team
[☆] City of blocks [★]
The city need your help!
Build your own house!
Your own store!
*I guess this is attractive thing lol*
(I have no idea how to add photos)
hi, where can i find you, i meant, you are on woc right, whats ypur user name, whats yourworld name
I have an android :(
Im Lonely. :C
I want to build with someone, Please do Ask me for anything. I'll be glad to help. :)
We should build together
That Sounds great! Whats your server and what time do you play? (est or west time) Im asian.. so i have pproblems playing with people.
We need help!
A future city will have your creations! Meassage me if u want to join!
What we need:
-Great builders
-Tall buildings
-Facilities(Ex. parks, shopping mall, library etc.)
Join us now!
I would like to join i am an exlent builder
Hey mc I will help
I need help build city please tell me :)
GUYS. Um. Im Asian, so It might be hard to play with me at the same time. :(
i can help im good at buildingsome people could help me make a castel or sky scraper

im good at building skyscrapers what type do you need hotel,hospital,buisness building just name it
Hi guys!, i need a builders to my new world the named of the world is:naturebuilds
The needed to build are :
-nature style/environmental
-recycle blocks
PM me to get the pass
Have a nice day :-)
I have a world in read only called minneapolis its huge i need help with builders that can build with more then just wooden planks and i was wondering if anyone wants to help me build a new york city?
but how we can build there? its read only
Ask the admins of the game to make it so it has a password and is non-read only
Build skyscrapers in FABOSSCITY !
You build nice. But I will put it on readonly if I were you
I already have 3 people helping me to build the nova. Anyone else?
i want to help
Sorry but the nova server is not working right now ill try to fix it
Looking for one or two people to help build a village outside my castle. Message me please!!
I'm looking for some people to help me make a luigis mansion world with a house inside a huge black room.t with a fake room and an underground tunnel leading out of the room where when u come out there's an arrow telling people to go that way to the mansion and u would appear in front of the arrow when u just entered the world so if u wanna help let me know in a reply
Hi mario101
Hello! I Was Thinking That All Of Us Could Do A Map: CommunityYoutube
We Could Do Her (AmyLee33) if u dont know her check her out at
Hey guys I am interested in starting a new building group. I have tons of ideas and am open to new ideas and new builders. If you are interested in building with me or joining then let me know. My Skype and kik is musicninja23
Nice seeing you again! you know you should start a youtube channel
Im working on a map right now! its kind of based off of SuperHeros, but theres gonna be 2 maps,
if you want to participate my skype is Nolan Montcalm Theres like 3 of them (i dont know why
) but send contact requests to all 3 but i will only respond the contact request if you say something like...
i want help with the DC map or i just want more worldofcubes players that have skype.. etc
with all due respect, ThatOneCop
Im thinking of making a town with the theme of the wild west