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Red's picture

ok so super heroes are real they dont have powers but they are real`!!1!! so above there is a 10 minute documentary about the most popular super hero knoun as: PHOENIX JONES!!11 (ignore the basketball ad on the first 20 secs)

Red's picture

omg 1:00 - 1:11 its real life super villain: rex velvet!!1!  rex had posted a few videos produced like a movie about how much he hates phoenix jones and the other: "vigilante nerds" as he calls them

Red's picture

there is tons of other real life super heroes like mr xtreme or master legend but phoenix jones is the best and most popular one...

Kieranb's picture

Actually, there's people who can be seen as super heroes, for example, there is a woman that can crush watermelons with her thighs, there's a family that can conduct electricity and not get electrocuted due to their genetic make up, there's also a guy that can completely collapse his shoulders into his body because he was born with no collar bones. These people could be seen as heroes if they used there genetic differences to help others in every day life, so yeah, super heroes are real, but unless someone breaks gravity or finds a way to change the flow of gravity around themselves, they won't be able to fly xD