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BlueTangsRock's picture

I did the same housing choice(living in trees) in 2 of my worlds!And warning,spiders can kill you!

Warrior27t's picture

Haha, not with my diamond sword!! On the current game I'm playing, I spent the.entire first day killing passive mobs and chopping trees down, then upon the sky getting dark, I ran to a secret underground mine that I discovered while gathering wood (the reason why it was secret is because the hole which I saw the mine through was only one unit tall, I had to quickly mine through the dirt and stone to get to the cave.) Luckily, no monsters of any kind ever spawned in the cave, so I could mine in peace. I literally lived uner rocks for 10 days. (I counted, and I could tell whether it was night or daytime with the sky  visible when I was a certain distance from the wall I was facing.) After fully equipping myself with full iron armor and luckily finding enough diamonds to craft a diamond sword, I gathered my stuff and came back up to the surface. I decided to take a break from living in the trees and started building myself a house out of cobblestone. (More like a castle) I intend on digging a pit that goes al the way down to the bedrock and around my castle, so if those monsters try to make an uninvited entrance, it will go like this: Zombie: "Hey, Jack, I'm gonna go try to kill Warrior27t." Pumpkinhead: *sees death pit* "Uh, I don't think that's a good idea." Zombie: "What, do you think he's going to kill me!? Pfft, don't make me laugh with my rotting vocal chords." Pumpkinhead "No, it's not that--" *sighs as he sees Zombie stumbling towards the pit* Zombie: "Whheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee------" *splat* Me: "Hey, what are all those noises?" *looks in the pit, sees rotten flesh in the bottom* Me: "Oh," *walks back into the castle cackling* Ok, I'm done with that now. If I can find a screen recorder, I can show everyone what I'm doing and, if the coordinates for that secret cave are the same in several different games, I can tell you the directions to it.

BlueTangsRock's picture

Lol!Cool! But when I was talking about the spiders killing me,I meant,them killing me though the floor....glitches are in the game. xD

BlueTangsRock's picture

But it was funny about the thing with the Zombie,and Pumpkin head! xD

Warrior27t's picture

Thanks! I just wrote that part mainly to be funny, but the main idea of the pit and the rotten flesh at the bottom of it are true, (But I also would have come out of my castle then walked back in cackling in real life, if zombies were to make noises when they die) I'm glad you found that funny! By the way, thank you for telling me about the attacking through the floor glitch, I will remember that!

Scorch's picture

Hmm good strategy I have a small bunker dug into a hill.Buuut two pumkin heads came and staked me out!Worriedand my sword had just broken so I had to leave and get stuff to make a wooden sword! I fought them and retook my base. But I am currently watching a rather large group moving nearby. Updates on my profile soon.

Warrior27t's picture

Thanks! A large group of pumpkinheads?

Scorch's picture

Yup id estimate about 20 or so (with a couple of zombies mixed in) the horde stopped just north of my bunker and a few attacked me. Currently attempting to get them under control.

Warrior27t's picture

Wow, that's a lot! That's even more than I've ever seen on my screen at any time! Good luck!

Warrior27t's picture

By the way, it might have been better to stay in your bunker, because if you weren't careful enough, the pumpkinheads could have kept you away from them altogether with that pesky knockback of their's!

Scorch's picture

Yeah I dug an escape route. But soon I am gonna create a tree house to go to soon. (Thanks btw the horde isnt dieing anytime soon)Sad

Warrior27t's picture

Ok! but make sure to build a fence around it so pumpkinheads don't kill you!

BlueTangsRock's picture

That guy got invaded by hordes of zombies and pumpkin heads,while I'm invaded by hordes of wolves,and spiders! xD

Warrior27t's picture


BlueTangsRock's picture

Yep,wish string had more varied uses,and wolves were actually useful,then maybe I'll enjoy the hordes of wolves and spiders....also why are all zombies and pumpkin heads in WoC male adults?why no female adult,male baby,and female baby zombies and pumpkin heads? That's An update to green zombies,blue zombies,and pumpkin heads that Solverlabs should really add in a nearby update(also for the zombies and pumpkin heads to drop pumpkin seeds at a 1.5% chance,melon seeds at a 1% ,and squash seeds at 2% when you kill them).

BlueTangsRock's picture

^Olga,and Solverlabs team,what do you think about this idea?^

Warrior27t's picture

Wrong section!

BlueTangsRock's picture

I know,but I know Olga been on this page before,and every time I request it elsewhere,solverlabs never noticed it. True story(Ideas for additions for World of Cubes section#5 or #6 forgot which one...)!

Warrior27t's picture

Oh, I get it!

BlueTangsRock's picture

Ok,I just hope Solverlabs likes the idea,because I believe it could slightly improve the game.

Warrior27t's picture

You have lots of ideas. Where in the world of cubes do you get them all?!

BlueTangsRock's picture

Well,there's a tonight of ways I get my ideas for this game,there's the fact that I sat though almost 2 years with out an update So I know alot of stuff in this game,and built up ideas of interesting,easy,or realistic ways of adding much needed stuff like dyes,different plants,tree types,bones,lava,water,nether/Ender items/blocks,and more. That's the main reason why! :)

BlueTangsRock's picture

Auto correct appeared again...it was supposed to say "lot",not "tonight"! Lol.

Warrior27t's picture

That's what I figured! Can you go to the settings on your device and turn off auto correct?

BlueTangsRock's picture

Hmmm....it said you replied,but I don't see the reply.... :/

Warrior27t's picture

Go to the second page!

BlueTangsRock's picture


MysticMiner's picture

Honestly I prefer living underground. Keeps me safe from all of the mobs lol

BlueTangs Rock2
BlueTangs Rock2's picture

MysticMiner wrote: Honestly I prefer living underground. Keeps me safe from all of the mobs lol

This post was made back, long before PoC's hostile mobs, and the Nether mobs we're added though, lol.